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Last Day for Early Bird Registration & a few other items

Posted 9 months ago by Melissa Hladek

Hola Everyone!

We had such a wonderful time at our Holiday Party earlier this month with 23 people in attendance!  Way to build community and connection familia!
Now on to 2024 with three important announcements:
1.  Hispanic Health Policy Summit-Early Registration Ends Today
You can start your year off learning more about how important policy is to nursing practice and the health of our communities.  TODAY is the last day for EARLY BIRD registration for NAHN's Hispanic Health Policy Conference in DC Jan 31-Feb 2.  Link is here to register and learn more:
2. Dia de Los Reyes event! Free NAHN Membership to pre-licensure students!    
Are you a pre-licensure nursing student or affiliate that would like to join NAHN but hasn't had the funds? Set your calendar for JANUARY 6th. Go to the NAHN Membership webpage ( on that day and register FOR FREE (does not include chapter membership, which is $10- join DC Metro Chapter if you can!) Use the Code: NAHNREYES
3. Save the date! Wednesday, January 17th, 7pm
Our next All Chapter meeting is Wednesday, 1/17, 7pm which will be an update on the state of our chapter and priorities for 2024 (with input from you!)
We wish you a restful and fun filled holiday season until we meet again!
Un abrazo fuerte,
Melissa (President) on behalf of our entire board